Friday, July 01, 2005


So, the fourth of July weekend is now upon us, but honey, I had my FIREWORKS last night!!! I so totally didn't mean 4 that 2 happen, in fact, I went into the "date" saying to myself, "I'm not going 2 have sex ... I'm not going 2 have sex." Apparently, he didn't intend to either cuz when we got back 2 my place, in between kisses he kept saying "I have to go. No, I really really have 2 go." Until finally, he gave up and just said "Fuck it" and we got naked. HOT! Now, this can't be counted as ho-like behaviour if I plan to see him again and I do, thank U very much. Though I probably shouldn't because he is WAY too young for me. That doesn't mean we can't be friends though ... good friends, if u know what I mean, LOL.

So, for the real fourth of July I haven't any plans. Not a BBQ in site. I'm a bit forlorn. Hopefully, one of my friends will see my predicament and graciously invite me to some form of drunken gluttonous celebration on Monday. It's the only day I have off anyway. Since we open "Merry Wives" next week (that's Shakespeare if U hadn't a clue), I spend all my evenings at the theatre.

It's so quiet here at the office today. And I have SO much work 2 do. Color me procrastinating. Shit. I'd better get 2 it.

"Her eyes are closed, but there's no penetration. She just makes him point the pistol to his nose while he masturbates and I see a tear headed down towards a smile." - Prince, Pheromone


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